Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Growers Meeting

This past meeting of the growers club went incredibly well. There were a total of 11 members present.
Discussions included the new food safety legislation (Food Safety Modernization Act S.510). This is something that concerns all farmers, large and small alike. However, if passed it will have enormous consequences for all the progress that has been made in the local food systems.

The growers club will proudly hosting a group seed order through Fedco, a cooperative seed company. This order will take place at a pot luck dinner that is being arranged at a local venue. This order will mark an important milestone in the growth of the organization and will help us to engage more growers from the Community Garden Market.

Mark Hollen also gave a presentation on the effectiveness of the low-tunnels. He admits that we got them installed later than what is recommended, but despite that they have been performing wonders with his rows. He suggested that we should mark Labor Day as the last day to plant. We are excited for next year when we can use the low tunnels at the beginning and end of the season, and really see the results come through!

The next meeting does not have a date set, but we are working on organizing it.

We here at WesMonTy want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

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